Taiyo Kogyo Column

No problem storing hazardous materials! Tent warehouses allow construction of hazardous materials warehouses in a short period of time and at low cost.

If the warehouse is not built in time, our plans to increase production will be foiled…

Due to the increasing global demand, Company Q decided to increase production. Each department was busy with preparations.
Although the company was on track to procure manufacturing equipment, the problem was the need for additional floor space for a warehouse to store materials and finished products. Although a location was secured, the construction period for the warehouse turned out to be longer than anticipated.


The main obstacle to the plan to increase production was the construction period and cost of building a warehouse for storing hazardous materials....

According to the response from the construction company we consulted, the construction period will take at least six months at the earliest, even if we hurry up with the foundation work, etc. This would not allow us to meet our production increase plan. We contacted several contractors and received the same response from all of them, so we urgently needed to consider an alternative plan.

Mr. N, the leader of the Facilities Department, recalls the situation at the time as follows
In fact, the warehouse to be expanded needed to hold Class 4 Petroleum No. 3 liquids, which are hazardous materials as defined by the Fire Defense Law. Since we were handling hazardous materials, we needed to store them in a hazardous materials warehouse, which is a ‘storage facility’ in compliance with the Building Standards Law and the Cabinet Order on Regulations for Hazardous Materials.
We later found out that there are various standards for hazardous materials warehouses, and that it takes additional construction time to make the components and structure compliant with these standards.

Along with the construction period, another concern was the cost of construction. Hazardous materials warehouses have high specification requirements and are more costly than usual. On the other hand, the construction cost of the storage warehouse needed to be kept down because the cost of installing the equipment was higher than expected.

There were many problems that needed to be solved, and it would be difficult to solve them in terms of construction time and cost using conventional methods of building warehouses. With no concrete alternatives in mind, Mr. N was completely at a loss.

Key Points of the Issue

  1. The company has decided to increase production, but the delivery schedule is fixed and the construction of storage warehouses for materials and finished products will not be completed in time using conventional construction methods.
  2. Need to build a warehouse for hazardous materials, but the cost is higher than usual due to the use of noncombustible materials.


Key Points of Solution

  1. Taiyo Kogyo’s Flex House tent warehouse enables construction in 1/3 the time required by conventional methods
  2. Low-cost warehouse construction can be achieved by using lightweight materials and reducing the volume of foundation work.
  3. Superior durability, safety, and performance required for storage of hazardous materials

The "Flex House" tent warehouse makes it feasible to build a hazardous materials warehouse in a short construction period and at low cost!

While continuing to gather information, Mr. N found information on Taiyo Kogyo’s “Flex House” tent warehouse from a Web search result. This information showed that it was possible to store hazardous materials in a tent warehouse, which he had thought could only be handled by conventional construction methods. Furthermore, it turned out that a tent warehouse could shorten the construction period by one-third, or about 66%, compared to conventional warehouse construction.

Taiyo Kogyo’s Flex House tent warehouse was a tent-like warehouse structure with a metal framework covered with a membrane material. It conforms to the Building Standard Law, the regulations for tent warehouse applications. It has excellent durability and safety, and can be used as a warehouse for hazardous materials without any performance problems. The systematization of parts and other features shortens the construction period by an overwhelming 1/3 compared to conventional construction methods. The use of a lightweight steel frame and the fact that the foundation work is minimal also help to keep construction costs down,” said Mr. N.

It also has the advantage of a column-free structure, which allows for large spaces to be secured efficiently. It is flexible and resistant to earthquakes, and there is no worry about the roof falling. Security as a hazardous materials warehouse can also be enhanced by using galvalume steel plates for the exterior walls, for example. It has a durability of 10 to 20 years, and in many cases, repairs can be made simply by replacing the membrane, making maintenance easy.
The abundant lineup available allows for optimal selection according to the installation environment and application.

Mr. N thought that this would allow him to build a hazardous materials warehouse with the desired construction period and cost, so he informed Taiyo Kogyo of the desired size and items to be stored, and asked them to adjust the construction period. At a later date, Taiyo Kogyo proposed a low-cost tent warehouse that matched his plans for increased production.
After consideration, it was unanimously decided to adopt the tent warehouse “Flex House”. Construction is proceeding smoothly.


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  • No problem storing hazardous materials! Tent warehouses allow construction of hazardous materials warehouses in a short period of time and at low cost.