
Introduction of features and relocation examples of large mobile tents for commercial use

At civil engineering sites where measures are taken to deal with contaminated soil, tents are required to be installed in some areas to improve environmental friendliness and construction efficiency, etc. Since tents are repeatedly installed and removed depending on the work area, large mobile tents for commercial use are useful.

Large mobile tents for commercial use are economical and efficient contaminated soil control buildings. This paper introduces the features and relocation examples of large mobile tents for commercial use.

Table of Contents
1 Contaminated soil response work requiring large tents
2 Applications of large mobile tents at contaminated soil remediation construction sites
3 Variations and sizes of large mobile tents for commercial use
4 Example of relocation of a large mobile tent
5 Conclusion

Contaminated soil response work requiring large tents

At construction sites dealing with contaminated soil, depending on the method of treatment, the law may require the installation of tents over the work area. The main cases are as follows

  • When VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) contaminated soil is removed by excavation removal method and a tent is required as a rain shelter and dust control measure.
  • In principle, for dioxins, PCBs, mercury, and POPs, a tent with a front room tent that can manage negative pressure is required.
  • Other heavy metals are required only if a tent is needed for neighborhood protection.
  • A tent is required for the hot soil method (a method of mixing quicklime and other materials with VOC-contaminated soil and using the heat of reaction to volatilize, separate, and absorb the VOCs, and collect them with activated carbon) in situ.
  • Tents may or may not be required for the excavation and removal method (excavate and remove contaminants directly onsite and transport them to an intermediate treatment plant offsite).
  • Tunnel slides may generate naturally occurring toxic substances (8 types except cyanide), but other than mercury, which is a heavy metal, tents are of low importance, but may be installed for rain protection (drying and temporary storage of soil).

Applications for large mobile tents at contaminated soil remediation construction sites

Applications for large mobile tents required at contaminated soil response construction sites include the following, depending on the purpose of the construction

  1. Contaminated soil countermeasure building
  2. Temporary accumulation and storage of excavated soil
  3. Other temporary storage
  4. Plant facilities and other buildings
  5. Building for rain and snow protection

It has a variety of uses in addition to preventing the dispersal of contaminants, etc.
By setting up a temporary tent, work can be performed without being greatly affected by weather conditions, which can shorten the construction period, and it also allows for consideration of the construction environment and surrounding environment as well as the site workers.

Tents have become a necessary piece of equipment at construction sites dealing with contaminated soil, regardless of legal stipulations.

Variety and size range of large mobile tents for commercial use

There are two main types of large mobile tents for commercial use: telescoping and fixed. Telescopic tents are those in which the temporary tent itself telescopes in a bellows fashion, while fixed tents provide a larger storage space.

Here we introduce a variety of mobile large tents from Taiyo Kogyo Corporation, a company with many years of experience in temporary rental tents.


The telescopic large tent is a type of temporary tent itself that expands and contracts, allowing long or heavy items to be directly craned in and out.
No machinery is needed to expand or contract the shed; it can be moved manually.
Five frontage sizes are available.
Installation usually takes one to two days per building, and removal usually takes only one day to restore the building to its current condition.

Telescopic type New type

The new telescopic large tent is a telescopic tent that is constructed by inserting the tent in each span, allowing it to be set up for the required area.
Since the structure is designed to insert a tent for each span, dimensions in the direction of the girder can be freely set for each span (1.5 m).

The opening is curtain-type and fully opens by simply sliding it in and out, enabling speedy loading and unloading for improved work efficiency. Tent installation is simply a matter of inserting and sliding the split membrane along the guide fasteners, improving workability and safety compared to older models.

Fixed Large

Large fixed tents can easily provide large storage space and enable the construction of functional storage warehouses in a short period of time.
Large space without intermediate pillars and an eave height of 7.5 m provide ample storage space. The building is compliant with the Building Standard Law, so building permit applications can be submitted.

The large ones can accommodate up to about W40m x eaves H10m, and within the effective range, they can be installed with free approximate dimensions of about 1.8m pitch.
In addition, larger spans of 60m to 80m are also available, although at a higher cost. This has also been introduced in plant demolition curing and curing of cultural property buildings.

Example of relocation of a large mobile tent

The following images show how to relocate a large mobile tent and examples of relocations.
At contaminated soil construction sites, where people often move around as needed, the mobility of the tents directly affects the overall efficiency of the work.


As you can see from the images, the large mobile tent is an excellent solution for a contaminated soil control building that is temporary and needs to be moved. When relocation is required at the work site, it can be easily moved by lifting and sliding.

Taiyo Kogyo Corporation is involved in a number of large mobile tents.
We can help you with a variety of issues and needs, so please contact us.

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