Taiyo Kogyo Column

What is the whole story behind the ceiling material that could guarantee safety and security even in the event of an emergency, and increase property values? What is the full story of the ceiling material that was able to increase property values?

Real estate developer Company Z, Construction Department

Tenants are not stopping leaving. Renovated the entrance hall of a 30+ year old rental building!



There are a number of issues to be addressed, including safety, possible existing nonconformities, and design...

The problem areas where multiple issues were found were the entrance hall and its surroundings. Because of the large number of users, the condition of deterioration was more severe than in other areas.

Mr. K of the construction department, who was put in charge of the renovation, describes the situation at that time as follows: “In the entrance hall and its surroundings, the renovation work was predicted to be difficult. The most difficult part of the renovation work was to secure the safety of the high ceilings in the entrance hall and its surroundings. This is an area that serves as a refuge for employees of tenant companies in the event of an emergency, so it was important to ensure safety.

Mr. K. proceeded with the project cautiously. But then new information came in. He was told that the suspended ceiling at the entrance would be declared nonconforming because it would fall under the category of specified ceilings in the application for confirmation due to the large-scale repair work.
In that case, a safe ceiling construction method in accordance with the current Building Standard Law would be required, which would have increased the difficulty level of the renovation.

An additional request came from the upper management: “This is the entrance to the building, so we need to make it look better.
This is the entrance to the building, so appearance is very important. Therefore, we also wanted them to emphasize the importance of improving the design.
After hearing the details, we learned that in order to improve asset value, a sense of luxury and a presentation unlike any other building entrance was required.

Mr. K came up with several different designs for the entrance that would combine both safety and design. However, none of them were decisive, and the design ran into a deadlock.

Key Points of the Issue

  1. The renovation work was expected to be difficult because of the safety of the ceiling at the entrance.
  2. つり天井の工事は、確認申請の再提出で既存不適格になる可能性もあり、
  3. In order to improve asset value, a highly designed space with a sense of luxury and originality was required.


Key Points of Solution

  1. 太陽工業の「膜天井」は、膜材料の質量が約600g/m2と超軽量で、柔らかな素材。万が一落下しても被害は最小限に抑えられる
  2. Excellent design and free shape are possible. Designs can be guaranteed, such as original printing.
  3. Not applicable to specific ceilings regulated by the Building Standards Law. Can be installed with a high level of safety.

With a mass of approximately 600 g/m2 and a thickness of 1 mm, the membrane material is on the path to solving renovation issues in one fell swoop!

「太陽工業の『膜天井』は、膜材料の質量が約600g/m2しかありません。従来の天井材に比べてたいへん軽量で、柔らかい素材でできているため、万が一落下しても被害は少なくて済みます。厚さはわずか1mmの極めて薄い素材でした」(K氏) 安全面だけではありません。これらの膜は意匠性にも優れていて、曲面にも対応でき、オリジナルの印刷が施せるなど、自由度の高い表現性により、エントランスホールのインテリアデザインを選択できる幅を拡げてくれました。その他にも、吸音などの音響特性や、天井の形状によるホールの気積を抑制し空調効率を高めるなど、快適な空間作りに貢献することが期待できました。 また、この「膜天井」は建築基準法で規制されている、特定天井に該当せず、高い安全性を確保して設置することが可能だったのです。
後日、K氏は打ち合わせの場で、ARを使ったシミュレーションを見せてもらいました。試しに自社ビルのエントランス画像を取り込んでもらったところ、具体的な完成イメージがその場で形成でき、ますます自信がついたのです。 検討の結果、「膜天井」の持つユニークかつ安全で意匠性に富んだ特長と、豊富な施工実績、また導入時に太陽工業から手厚いサポートが受けられる点が評価され、採用が決定しました。 現在は、太陽工業からのアドバイスを参考に、詳細な設計を進めています。

Product Overview
> Membrane ceiling

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  • What is the whole story behind the ceiling material that could guarantee safety and security even in the event of an emergency, and increase property values? What is the full story of the ceiling material that was able to increase property values?