Taiyo Kogyo Column
Spectacular view from a hotel in Brussels] Large-scale awning structure completed in a square in Belgium.
Taiyo Europe, the German subsidiary of Taiyo Kogyo, has completed an awning structure using ETFE film in the city of Brussels. The puzzle-like awning was built as part of a community redevelopment project and not only serves as a sunshade, but also gives a distinctly modern look to an area with many historic buildings. Charles Rogers Square in Brussels, Belgium, is centrally located in downtown Brussels, an office district with hotels, offices, and retail stores. The architecture is impressive, with influences of art nouveau, art deco, and functionalist perspectives. The awning replaced the original pyramid-shaped structure following a major redevelopment of the area, and is located directly above the entrance to the Rogers station of the Brussels Metro.
構造上部は750mm間隔で配置されたステンレススチール製ケーブルと6枚の単層ETFEフィルムで構成されています。 構造下部に取り付けられた三角形のPVC膜はフレームに固定張りされており、ETFEフィルムとPVC膜の組み合わせで日よけ下の空間に市松模様の日陰を作り出します。ETFEフィルム3,000平米、PVC膜1,700平米が使用されました。 完成した構造は太陽ヨーロッパが手がけた実績の中でも最大級の単層ETFE構造であり、会社及びグループにとって貴重な経験となる案件でした。 本物件の成功により、今後も同様の展開、活用が増えていく事が期待されています。
Click here for more information on ETFE Film products .
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- Spectacular view from a hotel in Brussels] Large-scale awning structure completed in a square in Belgium.