Stud Liner, YMS Lock, Max Lock
Molds made of the same material as the impervious sheet are embedded in concrete to improve watertightness and save space.
Special components embedded in concrete greatly improve workability and imperviousness. Fixing to concrete structures and pipe penetration is where the most attention must be paid in impervious construction. We offer the best dedicated components for better quality.
*For sale only in the Japanese market
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Product Lineup
Stud Liner (Anchored impervious sheet)
Anchors on the back of the sheet allow it to be integrated with the concrete structure, creating an impervious layer without lifting or peeling of the sheet. Made of high-density polyethylene, it has excellent chemical resistance and protects concrete from chemical deterioration in addition to its imperviousness. It is best suited for impervious wall construction on retaining walls or where pipes penetrate the impervious sheet structure.
YMS Lock
These HDPE molds are embedded in retaining walls and concrete structures. By thermally bonding the sheets to the YMS Rock, multi-layered impervious sheet structures can be efficiently secured. Compared to conventional methods using anchor bolts or flat bars, this method saves space and has high strength. In addition to providing a continuous structure, it also improves workability.
Max Lock
HDPE molds for embedding in retaining walls and concrete structures. It is ideal for fixing a single layer of impervious sheet to concrete structures. By integrating Max Lock and impervious sheet through thermal bonding, it provides continuous fixation with superior strength and water sealing properties. Compared to conventional methods using anchor bolts or flat bars, this method improves workability.