Sales Warehouse

Warehouse for storing customer's cargo

Commercial warehouses are subject to stricter facility and equipment standards than ordinary buildings, resulting in lower fire and cargo insurance premiums.
All the standards required for a sales warehouse can be met in a tent warehouse.

Products & Services

Type of operating warehouse

Type of business warehouse Contents Example
Category 1 Warehouses Warehouses that do not fall into the following categories
Class 2 warehouse Warehouses that do not require fire resistance and fireproofness compared to Class 1 warehouses
e.g., wheat, starch, materials, leather, etc.
Class 3 warehouses Warehouses that do not require moisture-proofing compared to Class 2 warehouses
Examples: glassware, ceramics, agricultural machinery, etc.
Field Warehouse A place where storage is possible on land enclosed by fences or walls.
Examples: bullion, cables, cement products, automobiles, lumber, etc.
Dangerous Goods Warehouse Legal storage of “category 7 goods (hazardous materials and high-pressure gases)
Refrigerated warehouse Facilities for storing not only refrigerated food but also
goods that need to be stored at or below 10 (Class VIII goods).



Name Fixed Tent Warehouse
Type Tent warehouse (Building Standard Law Notification No. 667)
Suitable Applications Warehouses
Frontage 8m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 18m, 20m, 25m, 30m
Height 5m
Floor area Less than 1,000 m2
Additional equipment available Hoist crane
double membrane

*Non-standard sizes can also be accommodated.