Bridge Wrapping
We create new urban landscapes by beautifying and extending the service life of bridges.
The area under the guard, which has a dim and dreary image, is transformed into a space with a clear and pleasant atmosphere by wrapping the huge structure with the membrane material. The membrane material, which is resistant to stains and retains its whiteness, has a high light reflectance (visible light reflecting room: 77%), brightening the entire space under the girders. (NETIS:KK-130051-A Membrane-type bridge exterior construction method)
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From a “dim and lonely” image to a cozy place.
いつもの風景になっている高架橋ですが、空を覆ってしまうほどの大きさと圧迫感は、街の景観だけでなく、周辺で暮らす人たちにも少なからず心理的な影響を与えています。橋脚部分の汚れや老朽化。大きな金属がむき出しになった構造部分や、鳩の糞害などによる汚れなど。そのような無機質で暗いイメージをもった橋梁を膜材でカバーして、心地よい雰囲気に変えることができれば、どのような変化が起こるでしょうか。 美しいデザインによる景観の変化。明るい空間づくりによって人の同線が変わり桁下空間の用途が変わる。それは街全体の印象にも波及していくことになります。 そんな課題を解決するための新しい橋梁外装工法が、膜で橋桁部分を包むというアイデア。 従来の金属素材とは異なって、膜材(布)がつくり出すやわらかな曲面の美しいフォルムは、橋梁の印象をがらりと変えるとともに、コミュニティの場を創出するなど町の新たな可能性を拡げます。
The freedom of shape that only membrane materials can offer adds to the fun of design.
Sports facilities such as stadiums around the world and the Tokyo Dome. Event facilities such as pavilions at the Expo site, and commercial facilities such as shopping malls. In addition, station infrastructure, etc. Membrane materials are used in a variety of settings and offer design features that are unmatched by other construction materials. Light and soft membrane materials have few pillars, can be freely shaped in large spans, and feature three-dimensional curved surface design. This can be applied to large-scale bridge design.
The design of urban infrastructure has a great psychological impact on the people who live there. It has the potential to expand new design possibilities, overturning the stereotype that elevated bridges are inorganic.
Light-up effects make the scenery even more beautiful.
While architectural structures using membrane materials exist in many parts of the world, the collaboration of membranes and lighting is currently attracting attention. Urban infrastructures and target buildings are gaining a new presence by taking advantage of the characteristics of membrane materials that softly transmit light. The soft form and texture unique to membrane materials. The light and images illuminated through them create shadows that cannot be expressed on a flat surface, creating an even more fantastic world. It can also be used to project advertisements and practical information.